Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Permission Based Loan Stipulations
As of the 15.01.00 release, the Add a Loan Stipulation Required for Approval with Security Groups and Add a Loan Stipulation Required for Disbursement with Security Groups action templates are being phased out. Any rules authored with these templates will break when they are deleted in a future release. It is recommended that the Add a Stipulation action template is used to author new and replace existing rule logic.

To author stipulation rules, navigate to Rules Management. Create a new rule using the Stipulation category.

Use the following vocabulary templates to assign stipulations to specific security groups:

The example rule found below provides a demonstration of a rule that generates stipulations that can only be cleared by a select few security groups.

After the rule is created, it can be assigned to the desired sub-products within Loan ApplicationTypes.

Stipulation rules can also be assigned within the Stipulations tab when creating an account sub-product in Account Application Types.

If the rule is not assigned, the desired stipulation permissions are not applied.

After the rule is assigned, the configured stipulations generate once the rule's conditions are met.



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